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2 comments | Thursday, April 27, 2006

This comic comes from an awesome dude named Abhas, our first guest artist. He is apparently pissed off at the state of news reporting on Indian television.

This is what happens when the reporters are unable to get all information, and the anchors just want to fill in the allotted time slot
- Abhas

If you have drawn a comic that you wish to see here, just email it over.


Blogger A v a n t i k A said...

hey dats a real awesum comic

nice work here

rok on ppl

Sun May 21, 06:50:00 AM 2006

Blogger khadli said...

wow!!! and i am going into the media field three years down the line!!! ironical!!! that was one hilarious comic strip!! fantabulous stuff!!!

Sun Jun 11, 05:17:00 AM 2006


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