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4 comments | Saturday, October 15, 2005

The quality of the specifications and the initial investigation play a very crucial role in preparing accurate estimates. I introduce Code Baba in this comic and you can expect him to reappear in my comics from time to time. You can send your questions to him at codebaba@carryoncoding.com and expect him to reply with his thoughtful solutions to your problems through the comics.

Don’t forget to check next week, when you’ll meet a developer you wouldn’t forget!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waiting impatently for the next one.

Sun Oct 16, 11:39:00 PM 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Code baba
[Project begin se pehle aur bad milain]

Sun Oct 16, 11:49:00 PM 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad that you liked it! Code Baba will be back in another comic soon.

Mon Oct 17, 12:03:00 AM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

Thanks Vimal!

I hope to be able to spare 1-2 hours from the 168 hours that make up a week, and release a new cartoon/comic every weekend.

BTW, I am sure you meant Carry On CartoonING! :-)

Wed Oct 19, 08:03:00 AM 2005


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