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14 comments | Sunday, November 13, 2005

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live - Martin Golding

Disclaimer: No developers were harmed during the making of this comic.

Update: I am not responsible for any developers harmed after the making of this comic.


Blogger bv said...

Uber-cool. :D

Sun Nov 13, 09:58:00 PM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

Thanks! You like violence, don't you? :-D

Sun Nov 13, 10:04:00 PM 2005

Blogger Tanveer said...

Fantastic Sid. This is one thing I look forward to on Mondays.

Sun Nov 13, 10:09:00 PM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

Thanks boss!

Sun Nov 13, 10:33:00 PM 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur there man!!!

Mon Nov 14, 06:42:00 AM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

Where? :)

Mon Nov 14, 06:44:00 AM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

@VishalJoshi: I just hope that no one maintaining your code at MS feels that way. Hmm... is that way you fled to Singapore under the pretext of persuing Masters :)

Tue Nov 15, 03:27:00 AM 2005

Blogger abhas1 said...

amazing dude! you should get your comics published into a magazine! THE WORLD NEEDS YOU!! (heh...)

Tue Nov 15, 04:53:00 AM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

@VishalJoshi: That's bad, don't mention your home address anywhere on the net then! ;)

@abhas1: Ha ha, sure it does! I'll use these cartoons in my book on software development, if I ever write one someday :)

Tue Nov 15, 04:59:00 AM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

BTW, feel free to display the cartoons I post here on your weblog/website as long as you don't modify them before displaying. A link back to this blog would be appreciated of course :)

Tue Nov 15, 05:24:00 AM 2005

Blogger Neel said...

Sid, this is really good man !!. I think you are depicting your true feelings ;)

Tue Nov 22, 06:25:00 AM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

Ha, everybody loaths ugly code! As developers, we shouldn't forget to KISS when writing code.

Tue Nov 22, 06:40:00 AM 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There = perfect combo of humor and sadism:D

Wed Dec 14, 04:36:00 AM 2005

Blogger Unknown said...

Probably the nicest one...

Fri Jan 27, 10:23:00 PM 2006


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