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13 comments | Saturday, December 03, 2005


Blogger Sid Uppal said...

Since this is a work of fiction, any resemblance to any person or event is only unintentionally deliberate :)

Mon Dec 05, 04:01:00 AM 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats a nice one.. Did u face it sometime? :D

- jaya

Mon Dec 05, 04:05:00 AM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

@jaya: Nope!

Mon Dec 05, 04:26:00 AM 2005

Blogger SG said...

Look at face of boss.
It gives me pleasure:))

Mon Dec 05, 10:30:00 PM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

@alpha0: An evil developer, you are! ;-)

Tue Dec 06, 03:27:00 AM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

@alpha0: An evil developer, you are! ;-)

Tue Dec 06, 03:31:00 AM 2005

Blogger abhas1 said...

oooh! another work of comic art! and this one's a masterpiece....like the other ones!

nice going! :)

Tue Dec 06, 07:13:00 AM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

@abhas1: Thank you sire!

Tue Dec 06, 07:33:00 AM 2005

Blogger Abhimanyu said...

Nice caricature. :)

Tue Dec 06, 06:23:00 PM 2005

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

Thanks Abhi!

Wed Dec 07, 12:08:00 PM 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot dude...for another great idea to harass the manager with:D

Wed Dec 14, 04:29:00 AM 2005

Blogger SG said...

Took its printout and clipped it next to my pc.

Fri Apr 21, 04:49:00 AM 2006

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

@alpha0: Awesome! Show us a pic of your desktop setup.

Fri Apr 21, 08:20:00 AM 2006


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