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6 comments | Sunday, January 15, 2006

How many times have you had to hear this in your dealings at shopping malls, government offices, or whatever? Don't you just hate it when someone says this?

I wanted to do this cartoon since a long time, so please don't try and figure out who or what made me draw this. Because honestly I don't know :)


Blogger SG said...

Seems like the policies really irritated u..
Nice anime character.:)

Sun Jan 15, 09:27:00 PM 2006

Blogger abhas1 said...

a policy that's correct, but the system doesn't allow it...

Wed Jan 18, 07:31:00 AM 2006

Blogger Tanveer said...

Good to see your cartoons back :-)
And make sure you know your employer's blogging policies as I've heard enough horror stories about this.

Wed Jan 18, 11:33:00 PM 2006

Blogger Unknown said...

Here is an idea:
A manager and dev are talking to each other. The manager is frustrated and says, "... And I thought I was the idiot" The dev says: "You are absolutely right". The manager laughs and says, "No I mean, I was the only idiot". The dev says, "Right Again"

Fri Jan 27, 10:28:00 PM 2006

Blogger SG said...

:)) Boss is always right.

A similar thing happened with me once.
Manager: Do u think I am a fool.
Me: No. But because u think I lie u can take it other wise.

Fri Jan 27, 10:37:00 PM 2006

Blogger Sid Uppal said...

@tanveer: Thanks!

@hims: Nice idea there.

@alpha0: Dude, I am sure your manager is missing you!

@all: Lisa Kopp from Friendster said "We have a policy that we are not being hacked". Its stuff like that that I find funny 'coz policies by themselves don't get you anything.

Fri Jan 27, 10:58:00 PM 2006


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